Рады представить вашему вниманию скрипт-пак для Maya от известного в майских кругах скриптера 0-1 (Deniseich). Обновленная версия скрипт-пака содержит около 160 скриптов, некоторые из которых уже давно признаны незаменимыми в хозяйстве майщика. В комплекте со скриптами идет 60-страничный подробнейший документ на русском (!!!) языке с картинками, описывающий работу всех 160 скриптов, каждый из которых способен ускорить вашу работу, а иногда не просто ускорить, а вообще создать иной рабочий процесс, при котором количество рутинного технического ручного труда будет сведено к минимуму, чтобы предоставить вам максимум времени для творчества. После установки скрипт-пака вы сможете использовать специальное меню Scripts, находящееся в главном меню для запуска скриптов. Содержимое этого меню создается из текстового файла по очень простой системе, так что каждый сможет изменить меню под свои конкретные нужды, добавить какие-то пункты, переставить, удалить, переименовать. В документе подробно описано как это сделать, в нем же инструкция по инсталляции скрипт-пака.

Скачать можно тут (2 Mb)

Полный список скриптов:

Mirror horisontal in world
Mirror vertical in world
Mirror horisontal
Mirror vertical
Combine + weld + soft border edges
Pivot to world zero
Make world coordinates in transform
Duplicate objects interactive
Convert instance to copy
Select instances
Align Rotation 90 degrees
Recreate object completely (kill bugs)
Make object unselectable
Make all objects selectable

Move components by normals
Scale zero vertical
Scale zero horisontal
Scale zero all axes
Memorise selection
Select memorised
Add to memorised
Remove from memorised
Intersect with memorised

Connect/Disconnect 2 vertices
Target weld vertex
Move vertices to mirror plane
Fit vertices in line
Snap vertices to surface mode

Connect 2 edges
Scale edges by shells of selection
Select all border edges
Select all UV-border edges
Select all hard edges
Split by edges
Flip egde
Bevel 1 segment
Bevel 2 segment
Loop punktir
Ring punktir
Select edges with angle from 0 to 5
Select edges with angle from 30 to 80

Detach polygons
Duplicate polygons
Move polygons by normals arhitectly
Find double polygons
Select polygons with N-count of vertices
Triangulate and select created edges
Grow polygon selection to hard edges
Make polygons planar
Select border edges of selected polygons

Clear UVs
Assign checker
Change tile of checker
Find closest uv-borders in 256 3pix
Find closest uv-borders in 512 3pix
Find closest uv-borders in 1024 3pix
Find stretches in UVs
Find differences in UVs scale
DON'T display stretches or differences
Info about distance between two UVs in pixels
Info about area of all UVs
Save UVs in Tga in scene folder
Save UVs in Tga in scene folder with any resolution
Open folder with scene and saved UVs in Tga
Select duplicated UVs
Select not duplicated UVs
UV correction
Layout UVs like it look in 3d space
Move UVs in 3d viewport without Uv Texture Editor

Unfold with pin selected
Unfold with texeleration look for
Unfold with texeleration look for with pin
Planar projection from camera with 45 degrees fit rotation
Planar projection from camera
Cylindrical projection
Each polygon individual planar projection
Cut faces from UVs
Fit UVs to 0-1 square
Fit UVs to 0-1 square with stretching
Rotate automatically to fit parallel lines
Move UVs to nearest in their vertices
Fit UVs to line with unfolding
---Scale zero:
Move Left by 1
Move Right by 1
Move Up by 1
Move Down by 1
Scale by 0.5 horisontally
Scale by 0.5 vertically
Scale by 2 horisontally
Scale by 2 vertically

Shells mode
Stitch together
Rotate automatically to fit parallel lines
Move one to another
Move one to another advanced
Move to grid
Move to the same place
Scale average
Info about shells
---Auto-scale :
Change value
Detect new value by selected objects
Scale shells to auto-scale value
Scale shells 0.5
Scale shells 0.75
Scale shells 0.9
Scale shells 0.98
Scale shells 1.02
Scale shells 1.1
Scale shells 1.3
Scale shells 1.5

Persp to any orthographic and otherwise
Rotate camera about selected components mode on/off
Frame selected special
Fit clipping of camera
Fit clipping of camera window (advanced)

Maximum light
Alpha sorting per polygon
Info about polygons count on/off
Manipulator hide when move vertices on/off
Per-object :
Border edges bold
Border UV-edges bold
Display only hard edges
Isolate selected
Cancel isolate

Assign new material
Assign new texture
Create plane with texture
Assign new texture to reflection
Reload all textures
Normal map generate
Delete unused materials and textures

Open last opened file
Quickly view incremental saves

Delete unvisible layers with objects
Kill special video card bug

Rotate local rotation axis
IK auto-create
Skin weights editor
Paint weights
Smooth weights
Mirror weights from -X to +X
Edit skinned geometry
Copy skin weights to cache
Paste skin weights from cache
Go to bind pose with disable all needed nodes
Transfer skin weights from joint to joint
Display only polygons weighted on selected joint
Select vertices by joints rigid
Select vertices by joints blended
Select vertices by count of influenced joints
Save weights to file-cache
Load weights from file-cache
Info about skin